Swift Feet Project

Reach2Reach: The Swift Feet Project

This project is focused on reaching, discipling, training and empowering of locals within francophone countries of the Central Africa Sub-Region to take the Gospel to the unreached within their borders.

Overview: Follow Us

  • Chad is a country of about 11 million population
  • They speak two official languages (Arabic and French)
  • The nation is divided into two logical parts (the Arab/Muslim North, and the ATR/Nominal Christian South)
  • A nation of 146 people groups
  • One in every 3 Chadians has never heard about Jesus
  • Of the majority who have never heard about Jesus
    • Some live in the extreme desert of the North
    • Some are nomadic Arabs who are on the move all their lives
    • Some are hidden in forgotten tribes and people groups
  • Have you heard of the RUTO? RUNGA? MASSALIT? GORAN?
  • Some are Muslims, some practice ATRs (African Traditional Religions)
  • How long will they wait till they hear about Jesus… and His wonderful salvation

Missionaries have been in Chad for almost 90 years

  • Many foreign missionaries have spent their lives bringing the Gospel to Chad
  • They spend years learning the language and adapting to the culture
  • They make lots of sacrifices to live under harsh weather and conditions
  • The work has been very slow: which is understandable
  • The Gerar has over 1250 villages and settlements, 50 of them now have a church
  • How many generations will pass before everyone has a chance to hear?

One way to accelerate the work is to empower local Chadian missionaries to reach their nation.

  • Indentify them
  • Disciple them
  • Train them
  • Empower them
  • Send them

The work can be swift if these local disciples are given adequate training, support and back-up as they reach the unreached within their borders.


Be a part of The Swift Feet Project.

  • Come to Chad as a missionary: with the focus of identifying and discipling local Christians
  • Help provide or finance local missionary training
  • Provide a prayer support base for this project