Christ's Disciples' Missionary Foundation

Church Planting & Disciple Making Movements

Planting and Multiplying contextualized Churches that Plant Churches

We catalyse movements that see self-propagating Churches planted and Disciple Making Movements multiplied among unreached people groups in different nations. Many times, we are actively involved in the movement, and in some cases, we only acts as catalysts and guides, activating and unleashing the already present momentum within newly planted churches, established church systems or within small pockets of believers.

At Christ’s Disciples’ Missionary Foundation, we dream to see Churches planted and Disciples multiplied among every people group where there is none. Our mission is simply to “reach the unreached”, and for more than 30 years now, we have remained committed to this.

Our goal is not the church itself but to make disciples of Jesus. We however understand that the church is still the most viable tool for disciple making, so as we pioneer discipleship work in a community, our goal is to plant a church, establish it, get all its components working (the children, youth, men and women), identify and raise leaders from among the locals, train them and equip them take over the leadership of the local church. This process in some locations have taken over 15 years, but whatever it will take to establish the Church as a witness of Jesus among the people group and community, and empower it to disciple it’s people and reach it’s neighboring networks, that’s what we are called to do.

Today, CDMF missionaries have planted more than 25 churches in villages and communities in Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad. We still have more lands to take the Gospel. CDMF seeks to engage every UPG in 8 countries in the Central African Sub-Region by the year 2025.

Check out our CAMO vision.